
Fallout 4 light machine gun mod
Fallout 4 light machine gun mod

fallout 4 light machine gun mod

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  • The most common causes of this issue are: 5 HP rounds will drop a Cazador, 8 will drop a Yao Gui.Your IP address has been temporarily blocked due to a large number of HTTP requests.

    fallout 4 light machine gun mod

    Cazadors, Yao Gui, Geckos, Feral Reavers then use HP rounds - the DPS becomes amazing! Who cares about knockdown from Stay Back when they are already dead. You will take a couple of hits, not with the LMG. No cheap sneak kills - just straight up run and gun. Go take a group of 5-6 Deathclaw with the Riot. LMG with AP rounds chews up anything with DT in the game. Only two guns are better for a run and gun playthrough in my opinion - the GMG and Mercy No tiny magazine like the Riot shotgun or auto rifle or Assault Carbine. The LMG is even better then a minigun, because there is no delay in spin up. Not even a comparision if you have actually used both. Both guns get benefits from the Grunt Perk. Totally smokin crack!! The LMG smokes the Riot Shot gun by a MILE! The LMG smokes the Assault Carbine. None as Riot Shotgun with both perks stomps all three.

    Fallout 4 light machine gun mod